Coffee Drinking Experiences: 17 Ways To Elevate Your Daily Brew

Everybody on this earth enjoys their coffee in a different way.

You can be in line at Starbucks, and the person in front of you is so unlikely to get the exact same order as you that it’s insane.

You can have your coffee in different ways, but did you know how many different unusual and bizarre methods of making coffee there really are?

From finished products to insane methods that are used to actually make the coffee, we’ve got a list of the top 17 most unusual coffee drinking experiences that you can imagine.

Let’s start with something that’s going to blow your mind (and that’s wildly delicious) to kick off this list.

If you’d like to see a graphical breakdown of the unusual coffee drinking experiences, we got you covered:

1. The Einspanner

Vienna Coffee

To kick things off, let’s go with something we can all enjoy. Let’s ease into this.

Get a chilled bowl, and add in heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla. Whip it into a fine cream until it’s stick to fun a fork through (the cold bowl will help with this).

Off to the side, brew some espresso and put a teaspoon of sugar into it. Melt it in, mix it around, and pour it into your serving glass. From there, add the whipped cream.

Don’t mix it, don’t stir it; just shave a bit of chocolate powder on top and call it a day.

For some added flavor, you can put some cinnamon or nutmeg into the espresso and sugar mixture while it’s still hot. Drink quickly; the whipped cream will begin to melt.

2. Qahwa

Grind up your coffee beans, and get a saucepan of water going on the stove.

You’re going to bring it to a boil and then add in your grounds. Let it just sort of cook there for about ten minutes on a medium simmer.

Crush up a few cardamom pods and some cloves, then add them into the mixture. Expand the cooking time by five minutes.

Traditionally, you would put rosewater and saffron into this, but it’s completely up to you.

With the presence of cardamom pods and cloves, there’s already a fair amount of spice and flavor incorporated into this coffee.

You’re going to have to train this into a filter system, preferable a pour-over coffee maker with a cone-shaped paper filter. Once it’s strained, enjoy as is.

3. Yuanyang

Yuanyang Coffee

These are two types of caffeine coming together in an amazing marriage. You’re going to brew milk tea, which requires water, milk, and black tea leaves.

Gently boil the tea leaves and water in a saucepan until it takes on a dark color.

Remove it from the heat and add in a can of sweetened, condensed milk. Put it back on the heat once you whip this all together, and let it simmer for two to three minutes.

Using a fork or a cloth, strain out all the tea leaves and discard them.

Pour six ounces of this mixture into six ounces of strong coffee, and get ready to enjoy a caffeinated buzz as you’ve never had before.

4. Bulletproof American

This one’s simple, but man is it strong.

It’s normally brewed with Bulletproof brand coffee beans, but you can really use any coffee that you like.

Grind it up, and use any method you like to brew it pour-over, French press; it doesn’t matter even if it comes out of a Keurig.

Dump it into a blender while it’s still hot. You’re going to add one tablespoon of unsalted butter, as well as a teaspoon of MCT oil.

Blend it up until you have this rich, foamy blend that looks like it was supposed to be whipped cream.

It’s a tough one to chase down, but I’m willing to wager that you haven’t heard of it until now.

5. Cafe Touba

Caffee Touba

I like pepper, so when I was researching all these unusual coffee flavors, I gave this one a shot at home before writing this section.

It’s pretty fantastic, but it’s definitely a far stretch from the flavors of traditional coffee like you and I know.

Grind your coffee until it’s coarse and put it to the side. In a hot pan, roast some pepper grains, and once they’ve got a bit of color to them, toss in your coffee grounds.

Pour in some cold water right away, and let it simmer for a while. Strain this into a pour-over coffee maker with a cone-shaped lid, and just let it sit for a few minutes before you drink it.

6. Cafe de Olla

Hailing from Mexico, this delicious rendition of the classic coffee is something that you won’t be able to get off your taste buds.

It’s a bit strong, but it’s also packing major flavor.

In a pan, pour in water and cinnamon, as well as piloncillo. If you want, you can also add orange peels or peppercorns.

It’s not going to be a sweet coffee, but it’s going to wake you up. Boil the water and add some sugar.

When the sugar dissolves into the water, add in your cinnamon, piloncillo, and any additional ingredients you may want. Then pour in your coffee grounds.

Take it off the heat and just let it sit. Traditionally, you would use a ladle to serve this after the coffee has had time to settle for about ten minutes. Grounds will sink to the bottom.

7. The Flat White

Coffee In Cup

Down under, they sure know how to make some seriously buzzed on a caffeine high.

It’s called the flat white, but it’s far from flat when it comes to notes of pure arabica.

Heat up a mug with hot water during this process.

Once it’s warm, pour the water out and brew a double shot of espresso right into the cup. From there, you’re going to get your steaming pitcher ready.

Put about four ounces of milk into the pitcher, steam it, and only use your spoon to lift the bubbles from the top of the milk froth and place it into your cup.

Once all the froth is in, you’re going to quickly pour your milk into the center like it’s drilling a hole so it can sink to the bottom.

8. Kopi Joss

This may be the most intense way you’ve ever drunk coffee in your entire life.

I haven’t tried it yet, but it’s definitely something that would be a shell shock to the way that most of us in America drink coffee.

A kopi joss, from Indonesia, is when you fill up a cup with coffee about ⅔ of the way, add a teaspoon of sugar, and drop a burning hot coal into your coffee.

You read that right. Let it sit there until your coffee stops boiling, then remove it, stir, and let it cool until it’s ready to drink.

Since we usually don’t raise coffee above 200°F in the Western world, this is an extreme way to heat up your coffee, and the coal does impact the taste from what I’ve read.

9. Ca Phe Trung

Ca Phe Trung

If you want to enjoy this the right way, then you need to have some strong coffee right from the start.

Get that strong coffee and put it to the side, then separate eggs from their yolks.

Whip the egg whites together and add condensed milk. It doesn’t have to be sweetened, but if you prefer super-sweet beverages, then you should probably use that.

Mix it all into the coffee and then drop the egg yolk onto the top of the coffee, letting it sit there and begin to cook while the coffee settles.

It’s an odd beverage, but it’s an experience at the same time.

10. Kaffeost

This one is an involved process.

You’re going to need a bit of milk, cold-brewed coffee, and some heavy cream.

Put your milk and cream into a large pan, and raise it to 100°F. From there, you’re going to bring it to a boil.

It’s going to begin foaming ever so lightly, so you’re going to pour it into a strainer with cheesecloth to strain it effectively.

Once you drain it properly, you’re going to be left with a bit of cheese in the cloth. Take that cheese and cook it in the oven at about 350° F until it turns to a golden brown.

Remove it from the oven and chop it up into a ton of cubes. Drop it into your traditionally drip-brewed cold coffee to enjoy.

11. German Pharisaer

Pharisaer Coffee

We like to buzz our coffee a bit here, and this is the ultimate way to get a real alcoholic buzz from some strong coffee.

Take a chilled mug and drop in cold coffee. Get a bit of sugar and about one shot’s worth of rum, and pour that in.

You don’t want to stir it—you want to whip it until everything is imbued properly.

From there, in a separate bowl, you want to make some homemade whipped cream.

You want it to be stiff when you run a fork through it, not runny like many people do when making it from scratch.

Top off the rum-infused coffee drink with it, but do not stir it in if you want it to be authentic; just sip it like it’s hot chocolate with whipped cream. Don’t mix it in.

12. Turk Kahvesi

Get your water, get some sugar, and toss it in a saucepan.

Turn it up until it starts to simmer, just when you can see a bit of steam rising from it, but before it starts to boil.

Take that off the heat and add your coffee grounds, preferably freshly ground.

You should also add in cardamom, one pod’s worth if you want it to be authentically Turkish.

Put it back on the heat after you mix everything together and get it boiling. Not rolling, just a few bubbles here and there.

Once it foams, kill the heat and let it settle. Do this one or two more times, depending on how strong you like it.

Pour it and drink it—you’re done. It’s a tedious process, but it’s not a flavor you’re going to find anywhere else.

13. Scandinavian Egg Coffee

Scandinavian Egg Coffee

Alright, this one is wild, and it’s probably one of the most awkwardly delicious ways to have coffee that I wish I wasn’t living without for all these years.

First, you’re going to take 200 ml of cold water, one egg, and coffee grounds, then put them into a cup.

Stir it all up like you’re going to bake it; get it into a nice smooth and creamy whipped consistency.

Put it in a pan, raise the temperature until it starts to simmer, then reduce heat for five minutes.

After that point, add in 100 grams (a relatively small amount) of cold water into the pan. From the top, use a spoon to get all the coffee grinds out that you can see.

Then pour it through a sieve or a metal mesh to strain it into a cup. Don’t knock it ‘til you try it, it’s truly out of this world.

14. Espresso Romano

Italy is eccentric when it comes to coffee, and we love them for that.

Start this one with a warmed espresso cup so that it holds onto the beverage at the perfect temperature.

Pour one shot into the cup, and then chop a lemon slice (trust me).

Rub the lemon slice along the edge of the entire coffee cup. Pour in your second shot of espresso, and let it sit for one minute.

Clip the lemon slice onto the side of the cup so that the edge of the lemon is steeping in the espresso.

It’s going to absorb some of that acidity, but it’s going to mellow it out at the same time.

Sip to enjoy, and squeeze the lemon into the cup halfway through enjoying it for an extra citrus burst.

15. Cafezinho

Cafezinho do Brazil

If you’ve never been to Brazil, this is as close as you can get without a passport.

Take a nice saucepan, put some sugar in the bottom, and add your water. Heat the water until just before it boils.

From there, add in your coffee grounds, right into the water. No filter, just drop ‘em right in.

Take it off the heat so you don’t burn the coffee, and just stir it gently. Pour it into an individual filter over a cup (pour-over coffee filter, cone-shaped).

Let it pour on through, and remove the filter when it’s done.

It’s a backward way of making pour-over coffee since you’re putting the grounds straight into the water and melting sugar in before you actually have a cup of coffee.

16. Cafe Lagrima

Ever had a latte?

This is like an upside-down latte. Usually, the espresso is at the bottom, and the milk is on top.

With a cafe lagrima, you want to take a nice stone mug with some weight to it and put it next to the stove.

In a saucepan on the stove, heat up the milk until it’s steaming and looks like it’s heated properly.

You don’t want it to boil—at the boiling point, your milk can burn and become fairly odd-tasting. Once it’s steaming, gently pour it from the saucepan into the stone mug.

Brew a shot of espresso over the top. If you can put this right under your espresso machine, it’s going to create a great upside-down latte.

The espresso drills through the milk and sits concentrated at the bottom with a nice bit of light brown coloring on top of the milk froth.

17. The Affogato

Making Affogato Coffee

Italy really makes some star-studded beverages when it comes to coffee.

With this, you take a chilled bowl (usually made from glass) and drop a nice ice-cold scoop of gelato right in the middle. It’s important that it’s gelato and not ice cream.

From there, you rapidly pour a shot of hot espresso over the gelato. You don’t want it to drill a hole in the middle of the gelato, though, so go slowly at first.

The espresso should surround the gelato chill in the bowl, and make a slurry.

Yeah, you can essentially get buzzed off a frozen drink. It’s a lot of caffeine and a good amount of sugar, so it’s going to keep you up for a while.

Culture Yourself With Coffee From Around The World

Find a different way to prepare coffee and a different way to enjoy it.

Every culture has its own way that it enjoys coffee, even though it’s a universal beverage.

Culture yourself a little bit with some out-of-the-box ideas that may have never crossed your mind before.

In fact, why not make a whole ordeal out of it?

Get three of your closest friends over to your house, make half-a-dozen different coffee beverages, and let everyone get involved in the process.

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